In some months with particularly high wind or solar radiation, almost 43% of the daily electricity demand in Germany is already covered with the help of renewable energies. Renewable energies make a significant contribution to avoiding CO2 emissions and protecting our planet's ecosystems in the long term.

Creating synergies and using them efficiently

But how can the energy generated at one location by wind power or photovoltaics be transported as loss-free as possible to a consumer beyond a sea or even an ocean? How do we manage to store this ecologically sustainable energy? Green hydrogen will provide an answer to these questions in the future. As an ecologically produced energy carrier, it plays a crucial role in achieving nationally and internationally agreed climate targets. It can be produced ecologically using otherwise unused production peaks of green electricity, can be transported or stored thousands of kilometers without greater expense, and the technologies to convert it back into electrical energy are already available today. We use the synergies we have created to be your design, manufacturing, contact and service partner and to support customers with high-quality components.

  • One contact
  • All components for heat and process engineering and tank construction
  • Certified quality for international markets

With sufficient hydrogen from our own energy production, we can succeed in energy-intensive industry, long-distance mobility and thus minimize our ecological footprint. How inspired are you?

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