ZILONIS® Supports Reforestation
Identify ecological problems and find solutions.
The condition of forests in Germany is poor. Particularly hot summer months have nearly depleted the water balance in recent years, and the precipitation that falls in winter is far from sufficient to replenish it.
In addition, mild winter months work in favor of the population of the bark beetle, whose larvae particularly eat through the bark of spruce trees, making them resistant to weathering. The effects can be seen in the images we currently see almost everywhere that in the past relied primarily on monocultural spruce forests. Large piles of timber and cleared forests have dominated the landscape for some time.
Forestry offices and forest cooperatives are sounding the alarm – the forests are in a very worrying condition and there is an acute need for action.
At the end of last year, the managing directors Musa Smakaj, Daniel Utsch and Samir El-Assal decided to plant trees instead of environmentally harmful promotional gifts, such as USB sticks or calendars, in the spirit of sustainability and thus support the reforestation of native forests damaged by storms and bark beetles. One of several sites contributing to reforestation is located in the Hauberg in Oberschelden. There, representatives of the Oberschelden Forest Cooperative met with Managing Director Daniel Utsch on Thursday, May 6, 2021, to report on the progress of the cooperation to date.
Upon arrival at the Lurzenbach hikers’ parking lot, we already encountered several huge piles of wood and some machines loading the tree trunks into trucks. Only a few minutes away was the planting area, where Mr. Rinsdorf from the Oberschelden Forest Cooperative and his team of 6-7 men were already busy planting trees. This area in particular can accommodate around 300 seedlings, of which on average 80% survive.
According to Mr. Rinsdorf, the work has progressed well so far, although the soil is relatively stony due to summer frost. In one week, about 4.5 hectares of area would be replanted with cherry trees, walnut trees, chestnuts, birches and magnolias. The costs for a planting amount to approximately 7 euros. With just 1,000 euros, around 166 trees can be planted, which, when fully grown in around 20 years, will produce around 12,000 liters of oxygen per day and bind 13 to 18 kilograms of carbon dioxide per day.
During the conversation, Mr. Rinsdorf’s planting team continues to work diligently: holes are drilled in the ground to accommodate a sapling and a support pole. A protective fabric is then put over them, which is essential for the survival of the young trees, as otherwise the shoots will be eaten by game or the bark will be scraped off by deer to mark their territory.
Until now, the Hauberg has financed itself with the sale of spruce trees. Today, however, donations are needed because the sale of fallen timber as firewood is no longer sufficient. As a building material, the fallen wood is completely unsuitable. However, felling trees is not the only task of loggers; with their work they ensure a healthier, younger forest in consultation with foresters and authorities. ZILONIS® GmbH now also has a part in this through its donation.
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